Flexible lecture hours make students have enough free time. There are many positive things that can be done to fill the spare time. Starting from participating in student activity units to looking for business ideas to run.
Currently, there are quite a number of choices of business ideas for students who have high potential and are quite promising. These various business options are right for students because they can be run in their spare time and do not interfere with class schedules. In fact, some business ideas for students can be run without the need to spend a large capital.
Well, for students who want to hone their business skills while reaping profits in their spare time, the following are a series of business ideas for students that are creative and promising enough to live in in their spare time.

Become a Freelance Photographer or Videographer
The first business idea for students is to become a freelance photographer or videographer. The need for photographers and videographers continues to increase every year. What’s more, every big event requires a photographer or videographer to document the event. In addition, large events are also usually held on weekends, so it coincides with student free time.
Teach Private Lessons
In addition, for those of you who like to share knowledge and like subjects such as mathematics, biology, physics, or chemistry, you can impart these knowledges through private lessons to younger siblings who are still in elementary, middle, and high school. In addition to science lessons or arithmetic, you can also hold other private lessons such as foreign languages.
Holding private tutoring includes a choice of business ideas for students that are promising and provide a large enough income for the size of the student. Because, in every private tutoring meeting, at least you can pocket IDR 300,000 per student. The more siblings or students you teach, the more income you will get.
Become a Makeup Artist
For those of you who like to polish makeup, the student business idea of becoming a makeup artist can also be your choice. Many events require a makeup artist so that it can be a business opportunity for students who are interested in the world of beauty.
Starting from graduation ceremonies, proposals, to weddings. Keep on sharpening your makeup skills because a professional makeup artist can earn up to tens or tens of millions for just one job.
Become a Freelance Translator
If you have the ability to master a foreign language other than Indonesian, you can also become a freelance translator as your next business idea. The number of books, journals, and research results that require translation from foreign languages into Indonesian or vice versa, creates business opportunities for students who have good foreign language skills and love the world of literacy.
Become a Graphic Design Freelance
The next business idea for students is to become a graphic design freelancer. The creative industry continues to grow every year. It is evident from the many requests and design needs that come from various circles. Ranging from small to medium-sized companies, on average, they need a design to promote a brand or run a campaign.
You can run this graphic design freelance business at any time. The more design portfolios you have from various clients, the more expensive the prices you can offer will be.